Spring is warm and beautiful

Release time:2021-01-22 16:34:12


   On March 17th, when the rushing medical staff prepared to bid farewell to Wuhan, the Wuhan Culture and Tourism Bureau issued 32 Thanksgiving posters. Although there are no gorgeous designs and beautiful verses, they are revealed from the lines, but they are the most sincere. grateful.

  Recently, our company also received a letter of thanks from Wuhan First Hospital.
   During the epidemic, Jiangsu Keling has donated a total of 145 UV sterilization vehicles, including 100 from Wuhan First Hospital, 10 from Municipal People’s Hospital, 10 from Baoying County People’s Hospital, 10 from Jiangdu District People’s Hospital, and Yangzhou Third People’s Hospital. There are 10 units in the hospital and 5 units in the Affiliated Hospital of Yangtze University. Ultraviolet sterilization vehicles are not the main product of Keling, but the epidemic is an order, and the company unconditionally obeys it. From employees to middle-level cadres, they have acted as volunteers and joined the production line, doing their best to win the battle against the epidemic. contribute.
  ▲100 UV sterilization vehicles arrived at Wuhan First Hospital

   ▲Middle-level cadres and volunteers join the production line
   In the face of the catastrophe, Jiangsu Keling did not act for "profit" and obeyed the unified allocation, not retailing, and all obeyed the anti-epidemic needs of the hardest-hit areas such as Hubei. After-sales service personnel in Hubei area are required not to shrink back, not to evade, to protect themselves, to serve the front line, to ensure the smooth operation of the equipment, Jiangsu Keling, walking with Hubei, fulfills the corporate social responsibility and responsibility.
   ▲The diary of the medical team leader for the treatment of critically ill patients in the First Hospital of Wuhan City from Yangzhou
   I would also like to express my sincerest respect to all medical staff, thank you for your hard work for Wuhan!

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E-mail : yzxsb@jskeling.com (Sales)

E-mail : yzkfb@jskeling.com (customer service)
